Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Shorter month, not so shorter reading list

 For a short month, I did a great job getting some reading done. 8 books. 2,652 pages. An average of 95 pages per day. So let’s get to it!

Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice(349 pages). I’ve seen the movie so many times, but I’d never read the book. I really, really liked the movie. And the book was even better!  Louis, Lestat, Claudia- these vampires were so memorable. For those who don’t know, the book opens in modern day New Orleans, where Louis is giving an interview. Louis became a vampire in the 1790’s. Lestat was his maker. And Claudia was their (literal) child- a young girl who Lestat turned in order to make Louis stay with him as a family. As Louis gives his interview, sharing his life and adventures (both good and evil), he is dismayed to learn that the young interviewer finds his life fascinating and wants to become a vampire as well. I finished in 6 days. 

Alice by Christina Henry (291 pages). Young Alice allowed herself to be led into Old City, a terrifying world of decrepit buildings and under lord bosses named the Walrus, Cheshire, and Mr. Carpenter. When she escaped, no one believed her and she was thrown into an asylum. 10 years later, Alice and her next door neighbor Hatcher escape when the asylum burns down. Both are set on revenge. Alice wants to find the Rabbit, the man who took her innocence (but she took his eye). Hatcher is intent on finding the Jabberwocky, the dark creature who haunts his dreams.  In a world where magic is real, Alice and Hatcher find themselves learning so much about the pasts that they thought were hidden. This was one of the coolest retellings of a fairy tale I’ve read. I loved it!  Apparently it’s the first of a series. So there’s more to come for me, I’m sure!  I finished in 3 days. 

Layla by Colleen Hoover (290 pages). If you don’t know that Colleen Hoover has taken over the literary world, you’ve been living under a rock. I’d heard that this one was a little different than her others. And boy, was it!  Leeds met Layla at her sister’s wedding. And he knew in one moment that she was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. But when a crazy ex-girlfriend attacks them, their whole world changes. And Layla just doesn’t seem to be Layla anymore. So Leeds takes them back to the now vacant and up for sale bed and breakfast where they met. Some alone time in the place where it all began should bring her back to him. But it turns out they aren’t alone. There’s someone else there. And as Leeds finds his connection to Willow growing, he decides he must help her. In helping her, can he actually help himself and Layla? I finished in 5 days. 

Laughing at Funerals by Katherine Bryant (101 pages). I cannot tell you the thrill I got typing MY FRIEND’S NAME as the author!  I’ve known Kat for at least 15 years. She’s a fellow reader (who takes it a step further by being an actual English teacher). And a way better writer than me. She started a blog a few years ago and was able to turn her blog into a devotional!  She’s like the Christian Carrie Bradshaw, y’all!  The devotionals are funny, poignant, applicable and just delightful! I finished in 1 day.  

A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins (378 pages). When a young man is found brutally murdered on a houseboat in London, three women begin to emerge. Laura, the troubled young woman who was the last to see Daniel alive after their one night stand. Laura has problems, but could she have killed someone?  Miriam, the most next door neighbor who found the body and has a connection to the victim’s family. Miriam has bitterness, but could she have killed someone?  Carla, the grieving aunt who also just recently lost her sister (Daniel’s mother), among other losses. Carla has grief, but could she have killed someone?  Who actually killed Daniel?  This was not my favorite Paula Hawkins. It was slow going and not the reveal I wanted. I finished in 5 days. 

Murder Past Due by Miranda James (294 pages). Charlie Harris returned to his small hometown of Athena, Mississippi, after he lost his wife. He spends his days working at the local college library and walking his Maine Coon, Diesel, on a leash. He also finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation when former classmate/best selling novelist Godfrey Priest comes back to town and winds up dead. There is definitely more than one person in this small town who has motive. And Charlie finds himself helping out the sheriff’s department in their search. I was misdirected as to the murderer (which was a nice change). It was a pretty good book. But honestly, Diesel was legit my favorite character in the book (I love a smart cat!). I finished in 2 days. 

Things We Hide from the Light by Lucy Score (589 pages). Book 2 in the Knockemout series. This one focuses on Knox’s brother, Nash.  Nash Morgan is the chief of police and an all-around great guy. But he hasn’t been himself since he nearly died after being shot by small time criminal Hugo Duncan. Little does Nash know that Knox’s ex, Lina Solavita, might be just the thing to bring him back to life. But Lina is so used to keeping her life private that when Nash learns some of her secrets, they go from friends to almost enemies. But that’s a short jump to lovers in the smalls town of Knockemout. And the rest of the town, including Knox, his fiancĂ©e Naomi, her friend Sloane, and the Morgan boys childhood friend Lucian, slowly help Lina realized that life is amazing when you share it with people you love. I finished in 4 days.

Better than the Movies by Lynn Painter (360 pages). High school senior Liz is a rom com expert. It was what she and her mom loved the most. But when she lost her mother, she clung to the ideas in those movies. And now that Michael, the boy she had a crush on as a child, is back, she knows her happy ever after is about to happen. But she needs a little help from her next door neighbor (and sworn enemy) Wes. As she and Wes work together to woo Michael, Liz begins to realize that maybe she likes the wrong boy after all!  I finished in 3 days. 

This month’s favorite was…..Alice (for the fiction). But Laughing at Funerals was a home run!