Sunday, November 1, 2015

October was a bust

I am completely humiliated by my lack of reading this month.  Literally, I finished one book.  And I'm not even sure it should count.  But it will!

The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by (duh) The Brothers Grimm (729 pages, 279 stories).  I bought this book a while ago (because seriously, has anyone read every single story by the Brothers Grimm?).  And I started it on New Years Day this year.  I read one story a day.  Which is why it took until October to finish the darn thing!  I will be the first to admit, I thought I was going to be reading children's stories.  For anyone who thinks these would be super great for their kids to read, think again.  Some of these stories were seriously disturbing.  Some of them were really stupid.  But most of them were great to read.  We definitely weren't in Disneyland, Toto.

Anyway, this is the only book I finished this month.  I got about 2/3 through another one (which I'm loving).  But it's just been one of those months.  Between the flood and turning a year older and no pool weekends or vacations, I just found myself not wanting to do a lot of reading this month.  But I'll try to do better next month.  Key word being TRY!