Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh my back!

Growing up, I was always a very healthy kid. No major illnesses. No broken bones. I had hay fever. Seriously, that was it. When I got the chicken pox in eighth grade, I had about 20 poxes. Literally, 20 poxes. I got braces and only had them for a little over a year because my teeth were so well behaved and moved exactly like they were supposed to. My biggest problem was tearing the ligaments in my right ankle during my senior year of high school (stupid Camden Military football field).

Then, my body started falling apart. I blame it on years of dancing and cheerleading. It took its toll. And by took its toll I mean the following: tearing the ligaments in the same ankle 2 more times. Developing chondromalacia ie runner's knee (yes, I get the irony of the fact that I do not run, not in the slightest) on my right knee. And then, there was yesterday.

For the past few weeks, my lower back has been hurting. A nice dull pain. I'm sure that some of it has to do with my 10 year old mattress that most definitely needs to be replaced. But I'm thinking the rest of it has to do with just a bad back. Yesterday, I decided to do a little spring cleaning in my kitchen. The older I get, the more like my mother I am becoming. Everything has to be organized and in its place. So I emptied out most of my kitchen cabinets (this is my second time doing this in the past year, so some of the cabinets are nicely organized) and got to work. I started labeling the interiors of my cabinets so I would know what was in there. I started organizing by categories. I was in OCD heaven. Then, after putting something on the counter, I leaned over to pick something up off of the floor. And bam! There went my back. Tears were streaming down my face. And as it turns out, I was in the middle of a back spasm. That lasted for over 8 hours. I normally eat dinner with my parents on Sunday nights. So they came and picked me up for dinner. I passed the evening laying on their floor, drugged up and heating pad slapped on the back. Once back home, I couldn't even fall asleep for the pain. I woke up today, still in pain but no longer in the throes of a back spasm. Here's hoping I wake up feeling even better tomorrow or court's going to be SUPER fun!!

But if this is the sign of things to come, I'm going to be one decrepit 40 year old!

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