Wednesday, June 30, 2010

TiVo or BFF?

I got TiVo a few years ago as a Christmas present from my grandmother. Before anyone gets all excited about how hip my Dove is, she gives us money and lets us buy our own gifts. Can't say that it's not a good way to do it. But it's so cute when you thank her for what she "bought" you for Christmas and she doesn't even know what it is. God- she's so adorable!

What I love about TiVo is that it tapes things that it thinks you might enjoy watching. Sure it's weird to come home to shows about serial killers (alright, I really like that stuff) or History Channel stuff (no seriously- me no likey). But it's so much fun to see what TiVo has surprised me with each day!

The only downside to TiVo (ok there are two) are that I can't watch something and taped something else. I have old skool TiVo, yo. And that because I don't have wireless internet, being an internet thief and all, I have to have a phone line to get TiVo to show programs.

On Sunday, TiVo informed me that the programs would run out this weekend. That's weird, I thought. Guess I need to plug it into the phone line. Nope- I have no dial tone. That's the problem with TiVo! Here's the sad thing. Were it not for TiVo, I would have gone WEEKS without realizing that I had no dial tone. Of course, were it not for TiVo, I wouldn't even have a land line. So really, would it have mattered?

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