Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bankruptcy attorney, through and through

I've come to the realization that, while I might not be the best bankruptcy attorney on the planet, I have become a bankruptcy attorney. Being surrounded by people who actually understand the frequently confusing world of bankruptcy every day at work is certainly a part of it. Dating a fellow bankruptcy attorney also doesn't hurt. But it hit me last night that I am, in fact, a bankruptcy attorney.

I was over at a friend's house for our annual Christmas get-together. There were 5 of us in attendance. I started telling a work story (namely because it is an amazingly horrible story and was not about any of my clients.) The story (Reader's Digest version) went as follows:

Apparently one day at meeting of creditors, the trustee knew that one debtor was going to lie under oath. The trustee repeatedly reiterated that it was perjury. That debtor lied. The next couple, however, had apparently had the crap scared out of them. When asked about the children he was supporting, he told the trustee he had 4 children. His wife responded that they had 3 children. Turns out that for 10 years of their 13 year marriage, he'd been paying child support for some child the wife didn't even know about.

One of my friends looked at me and said, "Jane, there are about 8 words in there that I have no idea what they meant."

Man, I've been doing this for too long already!

1 comment:

  1. I'd be happy to confuse you with pharmaceutical jargon anytime!
