Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So I know I've been a little MIA lately......

I realize that all of my adoring fans have been waiting with bated breath for a blog update. I'm going to simply delude myself into thinking there are hundreds of you. It makes me feel better about myself. It's the little things folks. Don't try to tell me that it's not true.

I'd love to say that I have been off doing great things in the time I've not been writing. If it makes YOU feel better, then I've been off saving the world and giving cat toys to homeless pets. No seriously- I've really just been lacking in creative inspiration lately. Is it because I haven't been doing anything fun since my last post? Not really. I've been having a lot of fun lately. I went to visit my "baby" cousin (who just turned 27) up in New York. Other than one day of rain, the weather was perfect. And we had so much fun, even just sitting in her apartment watching "Willow" and "Return to Oz." If you had to IMDB those movies, you are so not cool. They are classic staples. Classic my friends. I'm thinking I definitely need to add them to my DVD collection. Nothing beats Val Kilmer as Madmardigan or a flying chaise lounge Gump. My only complaint- not enough Toto in "Oz."

I've been attending quite a few gatherings/parties. I both love and loathe the holiday season. Parties are fun, until you realize you've got too many to attend. I've been to a turkey fry, where I provided a nice homemade mac and cheese. Yes, I can cook. Quite well. Don't judge until you've tried it. And after you've tried it, you will love me more. I've also attended my god-dog's 5th birthday party. Nothing says happy birthday Pig like cupcakes and champagne. As if I didn't love her enough already, she has good eats at her party!! Sadly, I didn't get to take a doggie cupcake home for my girl. I didn't think she'd enjoy it all too much. Being a cat and all. Next up, the Junior League Holiday Market Preview Party. The band was the Mighty Kicks and I am pretty sure I have NEVER seen that many people on the dance floor. Actually, I am pretty sure I've never been on the dance floor. It was great. The next best part, after seeing everyone all prettied up, was the champagne cocktail. I will do anything for champagne. There, I've said it. And there are multiple Christmas parties on the list for the next few weeks. My social calender fills up quickly people. I'm a very important person!

I ordered (and am about to return) P90X. After getting all of the stuff in the mail, I'm not to sure it's the right thing for me. Perhaps it's back to the Y. With my wack-a-doodle schedule, I can definitely manage to make it in there when there aren't a lot of people around. I hate going to the gym when it's busy. They've also got some pretty interesting sounding classes. That might be just the thing to get me motivated enough to get some exercise in weekly. That and perhaps all of my beloved fans holding me to it.....

What it all boils down to is, I've been a very busy girl (or at least I like to pretend like I am) and a very uncreative girl lately. I'm going to try to do a little better now. I promise.