Saturday, March 27, 2010


Nothing makes me giggle as much as people talking about their soulmates.

I am a CRAZY romantic. No, seriously. If you don't know me, this is something you should know.

But I find the concept of only being blessed if you get to marry your soulmate to be complete hogwash. So many people talk about how their lives are complete now that they have married their soulmate. And I feel kind of sorry for them. I don't think your soulmate is necessarily the person you are meant to marry.

Sometimes, your soulmate might be the person who was everything you needed at a certain point in your life. Sometimes, your soulmate might be a person to whom you simply could never be married, even though they make you happy. Sometimes, your soulmate might be someone of the same sex who is meant to be your friend for life. Sometimes, your soulmate might even be a family member.

But to say that your life is incomplete if you don't get to marry your soulmate? Well, doesn't that kind of limit what a soulmate really is?

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