Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mask- it's not just a Cher movie you know....

This morning, I was getting ready and watching Full House. Please, don't judge. I love me some Uncle Jesse!! Anyway, a commercial came on for the movie "A Cinderella Story." And it made me start thinking about the baffling concept of masks in movies/TV shows. Why is it that a simple mask over the eyes or glasses all of a sudden makes you unrecognizable to people who have known you for years?! Like Superman/Clark Kent. Seriously, Lois Lane didn't recognize him?! Even I have a hard time suspending my disbelief for that.

But of course, it made me think even deeper about what it was truly saying. Do we all wear masks? I think so. We definitely don't like to show everyone our true selves. We don't like for people to see our weaknesses, what defines us. But what else really defines the masks we wear? Is it when we tell people what they want to hear, even though it's not really the truth? Is it when we don't allow someone in, even though they are desperate to share our lives? Do we put on a mask only when we feel like the other person has one? Sometimes the masks we wear are good and sometimes they aren't. And amazingly, even if we're wearing a bad mask, people can't see it. Guess it just goes to show that we see what we want to see.

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