Monday, August 3, 2009


I've always been a sucker for a great quote. I think it stems back to my freshman year of college. We used to post quotes up and down the hallway. Admittedly, the majority of them were quotes that we had said. But they were great nonetheless. My all-time favorites being "Boys are dumb" and "Don't be a wet-head." Man- I loved my freshman hallmates! Fun (and funnier) girls couldn't be found! Even others from college added fabulous quotes to my list. "What do you mean, why do I drink? I'm part Viking. All the Vikings did was drink, rape and pillage. At least I'm not raping and pillaging." (Thanks Matt!)

As I've grown older, I've found myself drawn to quotes with a little more substance. Quotes from famous people. Quotes from novels. Quotes from movies. Things like:

"Being successful in life is not what really matters. Being significant in life is the core root of what matters."

"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"A friend is one soul, existing in two bodies." Socrates

"If someone says something bad about you, live so noone believes it."

"Regrets are mistakes that you don't learn from."

"When Christ said your faith could move mountains, He didn't mean it was as simple as saying 'presto-chango!' He meant that faith that moves mountains always carries a pick." S. Rickly Christian

"I'm from the South. Flirting is part of my heritage." Blanche Devereux (ok, maybe that's not of too much substance, but Blanche speaks the truth!)

And my new favorite "Love is as love does."

Really makes you think about things. It's like that Extreme song- "More Than Words." When people say they love you, is it just words to them? Or do they truly SHOW you how they feel? I feel like people throw the word "love" around too easily. You hurt my feelings. I didn't mean to- I LOVE you. You are so much fun! You too- I LOVE hanging out with you! I LOVE pizza. I LOVE watching TV. I LOVE YOU. So just an observation, don't say it if you don't truly mean it. Because pizza's feelings are going to be hurt when you decide you don't love it anymore or that you've decided you actually love sushi!

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