Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Size 4 you say? Inconceivable!!

This morning, I was flipping through my closet for a black skirt. I've got about 6 of them, so I always have options. I grabbed one that hasn't fit in YEARS. It's a great skirt- Banana Republic, fishtail skirt, size 4. I think to myself what harm can it do to try the thing on? Imagine my complete shock when it actually fits! And is a little big on me! I haven't been a size 4 in years! Happy day, happy day! But it got me thinking about my past ventures in weight loss.

A few years ago, I joined Weight Watchers. I'm sure every single one of you who reads my blog just went "Are you nuts?! You? Weight Watchers?" Let me explain. I'd just gotten out of a very bad relationship and gained about 10 pounds before the break-up because it was just way too much drama. Long distance, didn't see each other for 6 months because he was cheating on me, yadda yadda. Anyway, I noticed that none of my clothes were fitting anymore and that made me not happy. I spend WAY too much on clothes to not be able to wear them. So off to WW I went. I didn't really go for the meetings. I'm not big on the "rah rah you can do it" aspect of weight loss. I went for the info and the weekly weigh-in. Dun dun dun.

Week one: I explain to the WW guru that I'm only there to lose about 10 pounds. Because I've realized that I don't want to wake up one day and need to lose 100. She applauds my realization that any little bit of weight that makes me unhappy is weight I need to lose. The other women give me evil glares. I get all of my info about how many points I can eat each day and then hop on the scale. This can't possibly be right. I've never weighed this much in my life! 10 pounds my butt- I need to lose 15! And so began my quite successful foray into WW. I learned all sorts of tricks for snacking throughout the day. I still would have a drink if I felt the urge. I was working out. And once I hit my goal weight, peace out WW!!

I've realized that I have always been a fan of trying (or thinking about trying) the fad diet. I tried that stupid Lemonade Diet/Cleanse that Beyonce did. I made it 2 days and promptly threw up from the cayenne pepper concoction I had to drink on a daily basis. I'll read a book about a diet and think I could do that. But I don't. The only part of dieting I actually like is being able to fit into clothes I haven't worn in years. The best diet I've ever been on though is the one that happens naturally. You know, when your appetite just fades away. I know I'm not the only one here. We've all had it happen. For whatever reason. So that size 4 skirt fitting PERFECTLY might be a silly reason to be happy, but it is what it is. Sometimes it's the little things.

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